No. |
Ref. ID |
Group |
Reported Company |
Summary of Case |
Date |
Status |
1. |
BBC Holdings Sdn Bhd |
Almabumi Plantation Sdn Bhd (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 6 ha of forest were cleared between 18th March 2019 and 10th August in the concession area. Source: Mighty Earth Report 21
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View Progress
Case ID : C-T9KNEH4R4
- 11-Dec-2019 - During the meeting, SOPB was informed that the clearance highlighted had taken place within their planted and it was infilling of a previously neglected area which had no high conservation value. A ground truthing would be conducted for further verification. SOPB would follow up with the reported company on its investigation outcomes.
- 30-Nov-2019 - A meeting at the reported company’s Bintulu office had been scheduled on 11th December 2019.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
2. |
Puncak Niaga |
Danum Sinar Sdn Bhd (OP Block C) (DIRECT SUPPLIER) |
The concession area was identified through screened GLAD alerts. Mighty Earth did not determine any supply chain links for the concession area and hence no Planet image analysis was conducted for these cases. Source: Mighty Earth Report 21
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View Progress
- 17-Mar-2021 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company for a response.
- 06-Jan-2021 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company requesting for supporting documents to their response dated 10/12/2020.
- 10-Dec-2020 - A representative of the company responded stating that some of the coordinates reported in MERRR were too broad and might be located within existing plantation.
- 20-Nov-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company.
- 16-Apr-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company since there was no response to the previous follow-up email.
- 13-Dec-2019 - SOPB had sent the required information to the reported company for further verifications.
- 11-Dec-2019 - ME emailed the coordinates of the alleged activity conducted by the reported company on the 11th December 2019.
- 10-Dec-2019 - SOPB emailed ME for coordinates of the alleged deforestation which was needed for the reported company to carry out verification.
- 06-Dec-2019 - During the meeting, SOPB socialised its policies with the reported company and clarifications were sought. However, the reported company was not able to respond to the allegations as there was no geo-coordinates stated in MERRR 21. SOPB would request for the necessary information from Mighty Earth (ME).
- 30-Nov-2019 - A meeting at the reported company’s Bintulu office had been scheduled on 6th December 2019.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is a direct supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
3. |
Puncak Niaga |
Danum Sinar Sdn Bhd (DIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 28 ha of forest were cleared and 9 ha were prepared for clearance between 11th January and 6th March 2019. Source: Mighty Earth Report 21 (Repeated Case) Mighty Earth Report 14 (Main reference)
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View Progress
- 17-Mar-2021 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company for a response.
- 06-Jan-2021 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company requesting for supporting documents to their response dated 10/12/2020.
- 10-Dec-2020 - A representative of the company responded stating that some of the coordinates reported in MERRR were too broad and might be located within existing plantation.
- 20-Nov-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company.
- 16-Apr-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company since there was no response to the previous follow-up email.
- 06-Dec-2019 - During the meeting, SOPB socialised its policies with the reported company and clarifications were sought. The reported company would verify if the highlighted area was within their concession.
- 30-Nov-2019 - A meeting at the reported company’s Bintulu office had been scheduled on 6th December 2019.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is a direct supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
4. |
Rimbunan Hijau |
Satellite imagery shows that 40 ha of peat were developed and 58 ha were prepared for clearance in Poh Zhen Sdn Bhd’s concession between 12th March 2019 and 7th July 2019.
Satellite imagery shows that 66 ha of peat were developed and 54 ha were prepared for clearing (stacking lines) in Poh Zhen Sdn Bhd’s concession between 31st July 2019 and 26th May 2020. Source: Mighty Earth Report 26 (Repeated Case) , Mighty Earth Report 17 (Main reference) , Mighty Earth Report 29 (Main reference)
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View Progress
Case ID : C-H9LVAV26N
- 03-Sep-2021 - Upon confirming with Downstream Department, another follow-up email had been sent to the current PIC.
- 20-Nov-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company.
- 23-Sep-2020 - SOPB had sent a followed-up email to the reported company requesting for clarifications and supporting documents.
- 21-Jul-2020 - Reported Company had not responded to SOPB.
- 07-Jul-2020 - SOPB had reached out to the reported company pertaining to the allegation reported in MERRR 29 to seek clarification with supporting evidence.
- 04-May-2020 - Reported Company had not responded to SOPB.
- 16-Apr-2020 - Reported Company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
5. |
Rimbunan Hijau |
Erajaya Synergy Sdn Bhd (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 16 ha of peat were cleared and 14 ha were prepared for clearance in Erajaya Synergy Sdn Bhd’s concession (Lassa division, part LPF/0029) between 20th May 2019 and 31st July 2019. Source: Mighty Earth Report 18
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View Progress
- 03-Sep-2021 - Upon confirming with Downstream Department, another follow-up email had been sent to the current PIC.
- 20-Nov-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company.
- 23-Sep-2020 - SOPB had sent a followed-up email to the reported company requesting for clarifications and supporting documents.
- 22-May-2020 - Reported Company had not responded to SOPB.
- 16-Apr-2020 - Reported Company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
6. |
C-L456A6H7E |
Shin Yang |
Linau Mewah Sdn Bhd |
GIS imagery shows that between January 2022 and December 2022 there was a total of approximately 88 ha of GLAD-HCS forest alerts in the Linau Sinar Estate concession and approximately 143 ha of GLAD-HCS forest alerts in the Kenaban Estate concession. Source: Mighty Earth Report 41
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View Progress
Case ID : C-L456A6H7E
- 17-Apr-2023 - The clarifcation provided by SYOP has been accepted. It was concluded that the deforestation allegations occurred in different commodities.
- 03-Mar-2023 - SYOP has provided all the three (3) supporting documents requested by SOPB on 3rd March 2023. SOPB is reviewing the information and we will contact SYOP for further clarifications if necessary.
- 02-Mar-2023 - SOPB requested for additional information on the scheduled harvesting and tree planting activities from Shin Yang Forestry (SYF) to avoid similar allegations been wrongfully attributed to SYOP. SOPB recognises that SYF and SYOP are two (2) separate operational management units under the same corporate branding and that SOPB accepts that SYOP is not liable for any allegations of land clearings carried out by SYF.
The additional information requested by SOPB includes:
1) The timeline on the completion of harvesting operation within Kenaban Estate and Linau Sinar Estate's PL Licencse Boundary
2) The timeline and update on the restoration planting program within Kenaban Estate and Linau Sinar Estate's PL License Boundary
3) Sustainability Policy of Shin Yang Oil Palms Division - 01-Mar-2023 - Shin Yang Oil Palm (SYOP) responded that it has stopped all land clearing for oil palms since December 2020 as required by SOPB Supplier Code of Conduct that is signed by SYOP's top management (Executive Director) on 1st October 2020. SYOP's letter explains that the alleged deforestation areas are due to the harvesting of commercially planted forest by Shin Yang Forestry with approved legal permits. In addition, the voids created by the harvesting operation are immediately followed by enrichment planting upon completion of the harvesting operation. A map is attached with the letter showing that the alleged deforestation areas are located outside of SYOP's oil palm block boundary.
- 24-Feb-2023 - Reported Company is a direct supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in line with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
7. |
C-5W3K7L2GU |
Evershine Asset Corporation / Everbright Resources Corporation |
PT Sentrakarya Manunggal (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 9 ha of forest were cleared between 19th February 2019 and 17th July 2019 in the reported company's concession. Source: Mighty Earth Report 19
17-Sep-2019 |
View Progress
Case ID : C-5W3K7L2GU
- 17-Sep-2019 - Reported Company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB has reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure. SOPB will continue to pursue a response from the reported company and push for greater supply chain transparency. In the meantime, SOPB will adopt a no-buy position on Evershine Asset Corporation / Everbright Resources Corporation with effect from 1st November 2019 until more details are shared with SOPB.
8. |
Shin Yang |
Dataran Seping Sdn Bhd - Adam Oil Palm Estate (DIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 4 ha of forest were cleared between 22nd April 2019 and 23rd September 2019 in the reported company's concession. Source: Mighty Earth Report 20
18-Nov-2019 |
View Progress
- 01-Oct-2020 - Supporting documents for the previous engagement had been verified and the reported company had signed the SOPB Supplier Code of Conduct which demonstrates its full commitment to comply with SOPB OPSP and pledge to a moratorium by 31st December 2020.
- 25-Sep-2020 - SOPB had scheduled a follow up engagement with the reported company on the 1st October 2020 to seek further information and verify the previous supporting documents presented to SOPB.
- 18-Nov-2019 - Reported Company had confirmed that the alleged clearance had taken place inside its concession area. However, based on ground verification, the clearance reported was found to be due to encroachment by some local communities for the purpose of paddy planting. As the clearance activity is considered as encroachment, the reported company had met the local communities on 10/11/2019 to highlight the issue in order to prevent future encroachment inside its concession area.
- 11-Oct-2019 - Reported Company is a direct supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB has contacted the Sustainability Unit of the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure. The reported company will verify if forest clearance had taken place within its concession.
9. |
Rimbunan Hijau |
Rimbunan Sawit Sdn Bhd (Simunjan Estate) (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 12 ha of forest were cleared between 22nd September 2018 and 17th April 2019 in the Rimbunan Sawit Sdn Bhd (Simunjan Estate) concession. Source: Mighty Earth Report 21
18-Nov-2019 |
View Progress
Case ID : C-DWC29P6NV
- 18-Nov-2019 - STHB had clarified that the alleged area is within Simunjan Estate’s license boundary but they had not carried out any development in the recent years. The clearance was carried out by villagers of Kampung Keniong area with Native Customary Rights for rubber cultivation.
- 18-Nov-2019 - The reported company had responded that that the ownership for Simunjan Estate had been sold to Tiasa Mesra S/B that is under Subur Tiasa Holdings Berhad (STHB).
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
10. |
Double Dynasty |
Mutiara Pelita Genaan Plantation Sdn Bhd (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 22 ha of forest were cleared and 9 ha were prepared for clearance in the reported company’s concession area. Source: Mighty Earth Report 20 (Repeated Case) Mighty Earth Report 15 (Main reference)
19-Nov-2019 |
View Progress
- 19-Nov-2019 - The reported company had responded that they had conducted a desktop mapping and confirmed that the alleged deforestation area was not within Mutiara Pelita Genaan Project boundary. The relevant concession maps had been shared with SOPB to support the claim.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
11. |
Double Dynasty |
Hua Seng Plantation Sdn Bhd (NON-SUPPLIER) |
The concession area was identified through screened GLAD alerts. Mighty Earth did not determine any supply chain links for the concession area and hence no Planet image analysis was conducted for these cases. Source: Mighty Earth Report 20 (Repeated Case) Mighty Earth Report 17 (Main reference)
19-Nov-2019 |
View Progress
- 19-Nov-2019 - The reported company, Hua Seng Plantation Sdn Bhd is not a supplier to SOPB.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is owned by Double Dynasty which is a supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to Double Dynasty for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
12. |
Double Dynasty |
DDB Bawan Plantation Sdn Bhd (NON-SUPPLIER) |
Reported to have started developing peatland areas within the concession area of Lot 35 Block 13 Bawan District. Source: Mighty Earth Report 21
19-Nov-2019 |
View Progress
- 02-Oct-2020 - Reported Company responded that they have ceased all development activities and have engaged a consultant to conduct HCV assessments to comply with SOPB OPSP, including soil sampling test for the concession area.
- 15-Sep-2020 - SOPB had reached out to the reported company requesting for further clarification and supporting documents.
- 19-Nov-2019 - The reported company DDB Bawan Plantation is not a supplier to SOPB.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is owned by Double Dynasty which is a supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to Double Dynasty for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
13. |
Shin Yang |
Dataran Linau Sdn Bhd (Lot 1 Block 14 Murum LD) (DIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 548 ha were prepared for clearance between 27th February 2019 and 27th May 2019. Source: Mighty Earth Report 21 (Repeated Case) Mighty Earth Report 17 (Main reference)
05-Dec-2019 |
View Progress
- 01-Oct-2020 - Supporting documents for the previous engagement had been verified and the reported company had signed the SOPB Supplier Code of Conduct which demonstrates its full commitment to comply with SOPB OPSP and pledge to a moratorium by 31st December 2020
- 25-Sep-2020 - SOPB had scheduled a follow up engagement with the reported company on the 1st October 2020 to seek further information and verify the previous supporting documents presented to SOPB.
- 05-Dec-2019 - The reported company informed that the alleged area was not within their concession. The relevant concession maps had been shared with SOPB
for verification.
- 30-Nov-2019 - Reported company had not responded to SOPB.
- 25-Nov-2019 - Reported company is a direct supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
14. |
C-B8ZSU88M2 |
Shin Yang |
Zedtee Sdn Bhd LPF0039 (NON SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 198 ha of forest were cleared between 2nd March 2019 to 9th May 2019. Source: Mighty Earth Report 4 (Main reference)
05-Dec-2019 |
View Progress
Case ID : C-B8ZSU88M2
- 15-Sep-2021 - SOPB had initiated an engagement with Shin Yang Forestry and Shin Yang Oil Palms to clarify on the allegation on Zedtee SB. From the engagement, SOPB had been informed that Shin Yang is solely an investor in Zedtee SB and without management control. As such, Shin Yang cannot be held liable for allegations of clearings carried out by Zedtee SB.
- 01-Oct-2020 - The reported company will gather further information and evidence pertaining to the alleged activity. Contrary to the earlier update made on 25 November 2019, it is now established that the reported company is not a supplier to SOPB.
- 25-Sep-2020 - SOPB had scheduled a follow up engagement with the reported company on the 1st October 2020 requesting for further information and verify the previous supporting documents presented to SOPB.
- 05-Dec-2019 - The reported company informed that the alleged clearance had taken place at License for Planted Forest (LPF) area which was outside their oil palm plantation area.
- 30-Nov-2019 - Reported company had not responded to SOPB.
- 25-Nov-2019 - Reported company is a direct supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
15. |
C-M468XUX6U |
Samling |
Syarikat Samling Timber Sdn Bhd (LPF 0014) (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 6 ha of peat were developed between 5th Jan 2019 and 6th July 2019 in the reported company’s concession area. Source: Mighty Earth Report 20 (Repeated Case) Mighty Earth Report 17 (Main reference)
26-Jun-2020 |
View Progress
Case ID : C-M468XUX6U
- 13-Aug-2021 - Glenealy Plantations had published online its NDPE commitments which encompass;
1) NDPE Policy, NDPE Policy Plan, Declaration of Commitment to NDPE, moratorium on new land development.
2) “Moratorium - Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd’s group-wide moratorium on any land clearing for all greenfield development on mineral soil and peatland regardless of depth with immediate effect until further notice.”
3) High Carbon Stock (HCS) Recovery Plan.
4) Publication of its first Sustainability Report for Financial Year 2020.
These documents are available on its website which can be accessed on and SOPB is currently reviewing and assessing these documents. One of SOPB’s buyers commented - “which so far the direction looks positive” - 26-Jun-2020 - At the meeting on the 25th June 2020, it was noted that Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd had launched their NDPE policy which is a testimony of their enhanced sustainability commitments going forward. SOPB will continue to engage Samling Group on its NDPE implementation while our purchase from Samling has ceased from 1st July 2020.
- 25-Jun-2020 - SOPB and the reported company held a meeting to verify the supporting evidence provided to SOPB during the previous engagement.
- 26-Feb-2020 - A conference call was made and the reported company reiterated that the activities conducted were related to acacia harvesting and not for oil palm development.
- 15-Nov-2019 - Reported company had responded that the area had been approved for Industrial Tree Planting and they did not have any oil palm plantation in the stated location.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
16. |
Samling |
Samling Jelalong LPF 0007 Part 1 (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 28 ha of forest were prepared for clearance between 8th April 2019 and 12th May 2019 in the reported company’s concession area. Source: Mighty Earth Report 21 (Repeated case) Mighty Earth Report 15 (Main reference
26-Jun-2020 |
View Progress
- 13-Aug-2021 - Glenealy Plantations had published online its NDPE commitments which encompass;
1) NDPE Policy, NDPE Policy Plan, Declaration of Commitment to NDPE, moratorium on new land development.
2) “Moratorium - Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd’s group-wide moratorium on any land clearing for all greenfield development on mineral soil and peatland regardless of depth with immediate effect until further notice.”
3) High Carbon Stock (HCS) Recovery Plan.
4) Publication of its first Sustainability Report for Financial Year 2020.
These documents are available on its website which can be accessed on and SOPB is currently reviewing and assessing these documents. One of SOPB’s buyers commented - “which so far the direction looks positive” - 25-Jun-2020 - SOPB and the reported company held a meeting to verify the supporting evidence provided to SOPB during the previous engagement.
- 15-Nov-2019 - The reported company had responded that the reported clearance was due to encroachment by some local communities (Long Tisam) and a police report had been lodged.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
- 26-Jun-2019 - At the meeting on the 25th June 2020, it was noted that Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd had launched their NDPE policy which is a testimony of their enhanced sustainability commitments going forward. SOPB will continue to engage Samling Group on its NDPE implementation while our purchase from Samling has ceased from 1st July 2020.
17. |
Samling |
Samling Jelalong LPF 0007 Part 3 (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 13 ha of forest were cleared and 20 ha were prepared for clearance between 12th February 2019 to 12th May 2019 in the reported company’s concession area. Source: Mighty Earth Report 20 (Repeated Case) Mighty Earth Report 15 (Main reference)
26-Jun-2020 |
View Progress
- 13-Aug-2021 - Glenealy Plantations had published online its NDPE commitments which encompass;
1) NDPE Policy, NDPE Policy Plan, Declaration of Commitment to NDPE, moratorium on new land development.
2) “Moratorium - Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd’s group-wide moratorium on any land clearing for all greenfield development on mineral soil and peatland regardless of depth with immediate effect until further notice.”
3) High Carbon Stock (HCS) Recovery Plan.
4) Publication of its first Sustainability Report for Financial Year 2020.
These documents are available on its website which can be accessed on and SOPB is currently reviewing and assessing these documents. One of SOPB’s buyers commented - “which so far the direction looks positive” - 26-Jun-2020 - At the meeting on the 25th June 2020, it was noted that Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd had launched their NDPE policy which is a testimony of their enhanced sustainability commitments going forward. SOPB will continue to engage Samling Group on its NDPE implementation while our purchase from Samling has ceased from 1st July 2020.
- 25-Jun-2020 - SOPB and the reported company held a meeting to verify the supporting evidence provided to SOPB during the previous engagement.
- 15-Nov-2019 - The reported company had responded that the location reported was outside its licensed area.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
18. |
Samling |
Samling - Lana LPF 0006 (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 63 ha of forest were cleared and 80 ha were prepared for clearance between 25th February 2019 and 15th May 2019 in the reported company’s concession area. Source: Mighty Earth Report 20 (Repeated Case) Mighty Earth Report 15 (Main reference)
26-Jun-2020 |
View Progress
- 13-Aug-2021 - Glenealy Plantations had published online its NDPE commitments which encompass;
1) NDPE Policy, NDPE Policy Plan, Declaration of Commitment to NDPE, moratorium on new land development.
2) “Moratorium - Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd’s group-wide moratorium on any land clearing for all greenfield development on mineral soil and peatland regardless of depth with immediate effect until further notice.”
3) High Carbon Stock (HCS) Recovery Plan.
4) Publication of its first Sustainability Report for Financial Year 2020.
These documents are available on its website which can be accessed on and SOPB is currently reviewing and assessing these documents. One of SOPB’s buyers commented - “which so far the direction looks positive” - 26-Jun-2020 - At the meeting on the 25th June 2020, it was noted that Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd had launched their NDPE policy which is a testimony of their enhanced sustainability commitments going forward. SOPB will continue to engage Samling Group on its NDPE implementation while our purchase from Samling has ceased from 1st July 2020.
- 25-Jun-2020 - SOPB and the reported company held a meeting to verify the supporting evidence provided to SOPB during the previous engagement.
- 26-Feb-2020 - A conference call was made and the reported company reiterated that the activities conducted were related to acacia harvesting and not for oil palm development.
- 15-Nov-2019 - The reported company had responded that the alleged deforestation activity was in fact for the harvesting of planted acacia trees.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
19. |
Samling |
LPFF/0008 Marudi & Batu Belah (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 44 ha of forest were cleared between 7th January 2019 and 16th February 2019 in the reported company concession. Source: Mighty Earth Report 21 (Repeated Case) Mighty Earth Report 13 (Main reference)
26-Jun-2020 |
View Progress
Case ID : C-CUXMR8B25
- 13-Aug-2021 - Glenealy Plantations had published online its NDPE commitments which encompass;
1) NDPE Policy, NDPE Policy Plan, Declaration of Commitment to NDPE, moratorium on new land development.
2) “Moratorium - Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd’s group-wide moratorium on any land clearing for all greenfield development on mineral soil and peatland regardless of depth with immediate effect until further notice.”
3) High Carbon Stock (HCS) Recovery Plan.
4) Publication of its first Sustainability Report for Financial Year 2020.
These documents are available on its website which can be accessed on and SOPB is currently reviewing and assessing these documents. One of SOPB’s buyers commented - “which so far the direction looks positive”.
- 26-Jun-2020 - A site verification was conducted at LPF 0008 Marudi on 26th June 2020 based on the geo-coordinates mentioned in MERRR 26 to determine if the alleged deforestations had taken place. It was determined that the alleged area was within LPF 0008 Marudi’s concession boundary and for the purpose of industrial tree planting. No violation of SOPB’s OPSP was registered. SOPB will continue to engage Samling Group on its NDPE implementation while our purchase from Samling has ceased from 1st July 2020.”
- 25-Jun-2020 - SOPB and the reported company held a meeting to verify the supporting evidence provided to SOPB during the previous engagement. The reported company had also reiterated that the alleged activities reported in MERRR are not related to oil palm development but are solely for industrial tree planting as required by Sarawak Forestry Department as applicable for any License for Planted Forest’s (LPF) licensee. This was verified against LPF and operational records. During the meeting, it was noted that Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd had launched their NDPE policy which is a testimony of their enhanced sustainability commitments going forward.
- 26-Feb-2020 - A conference call was made and the reported company reiterated that the activities conducted were related to acacia harvesting and not for oil palm development. A site verification will be arranged with the reported company once the Movement Control Order (MCO) for Covid-19 is lifted.
- 15-Nov-2019 - Reported company had responded that they do not have any oil palm operations in the alleged area. The activities conducted in the area were related to Licensed Planted Forest (LPF).
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
20. |
C-E2MH6Q9W8 |
Samling |
PT Tunas Borneo Plantation (NON-SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 13 has of forest were cleared between 3rd May 2019 and 3rd August 2019.
Satellite imagery shows that 85 ha of forest were cleared between 22nd February 2020 and 27th April 2020. Source: Mighty Earth Report 18 , Mighty Earth Report 27
27-Jul-2020 |
View Progress
Case ID : C-E2MH6Q9W8
- 13-Aug-2021 - Glenealy Plantations had published online its NDPE commitments which encompass;
1) NDPE Policy, NDPE Policy Plan, Declaration of Commitment to NDPE, moratorium on new land development.
2) “Moratorium - Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd’s group-wide moratorium on any land clearing for all greenfield development on mineral soil and peatland regardless of depth with immediate effect until further notice.”
3) High Carbon Stock (HCS) Recovery Plan.
4) Publication of its first Sustainability Report for Financial Year 2020.
These documents are available on its website which can be accessed on and SOPB is currently reviewing and assessing these documents. One of SOPB’s buyers commented - “which so far the direction looks positive”. - 27-Jul-2020 - Reported Company responded that the alleged clearance highlighted in MERRR 18 had taken place outside their concession area. The reported company clarified that the clearance activities were conducted within mining area and local masyarakat concession areas. As for the alleged activities highlighted in MERRR 27, the clearance had taken place outside their concession area. SOPB will continue to engage Samling Group on its NDPE implementation while our purchase from Samling has ceased from 1st July 2020.
- 09-May-2020 - Reported Company is not a supplier to SOPB. However, the parent company is a palm products suppliers to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
21. |
Evershine Asset Corporation / Everbright Resources Corporation |
PT Anugerah Makmur Sejati (NON-SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 4 ha of forest were cleared in PT Anugerah Makmur Sejati’s concession between 25th February 2019 and 16th June 2019. Source: Mighty Earth Report 17
25-Sep-2020 |
View Progress
- 25-Sep-2020 - Reported Company is no longer a supplier to SOPB. SOPB had adopted a no-buy position on Evershine Asset Corporation / Everbright Resources Corporation with effect from 1st November 2019.
22. |
Double Dynasty |
Radiant Lagoon Sdn Bhd (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 98 ha of forest were cleared or prepared for clearance in Radiant Lagoon Sdn Bhd’s concession between 31st December 2018 and 20th January 2019. Source: Mighty Earth Report 13
02-Oct-2020 |
View Progress
- 02-Oct-2020 - The reported company had responded that they have exited, ceased all activities and operations from the alleged area since 30 May 2019 and had surrendered the area back to the Sarawak Government.
- 15-Sep-2020 - Reported Company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
23. |
Rimbunan Hijau |
Jaya Tiasa Holdings Berhad (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 85 ha of forest were cleared in the concession of LPF 0024 between 3rd November 2018 to 11th January 2019. Source: Mighty Earth Report 12
15-Apr-2021 |
View Progress
Case ID : C-XL974CPAS
- 03-Sep-2021 - Upon confirming with Downstream Department, another follow-up email had been sent to the current PIC.
- 15-Apr-2021 - The reported company was no longer a supplier to SOPB as of December 2020.
- 20-Nov-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company.
- 23-Sep-2020 - Reported Company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
24. |
Rimbunan Hijau |
Timrest Sdn Bhd (NON-SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 15 ha of forest were cleared between 11th May 2019 and 24th September 2019 in the reported company’s concession area. Source: Mighty Earth Report 21
18-Jun-2021 |
View Progress
Case ID : C-5DWP4KXN7
- 15-Jun-2021 - The reported company had provided SOPB with a map proving that the coordinates of the clearing reported in MERRR 21 was not within Timrest Estate concession boundary.
- 25-May-2021 - SOPB had sent follow-up email to the reported company.
- 20-Nov-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company.
- 23-Sep-2020 - SOPB had sent a followed-up email to the reported company requesting for further clarification and supporting documents.
- 18-Nov-2019 - SOPB had sent a reminder message seeking further clarifications from the reported company.
- 14-Nov-2019 - Reported company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
25. |
Rimbunan Hijau |
Woodijaya Sdn Bhd (INDRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 4 ha of peat were cleared in Woodijaya Sdn Bhd’s concession (Lot 197) between 25th May 2019 and 1st August 2019. Source: Mighty Earth Report 26 (Repeated Case) , Mighty Earth Report 18 (Main reference)
18-Jun-2021 |
View Progress
- 15-Jun-2021 - Based on ground verification conducted by Woodijaya Plantation Sdn Bhd, the highlighted area in MERRR 18 was within the boundary of the estate and native claimed NCR area. The clearance activity was attributed to the planting of pineapples by the local communities.
- 25-May-2021 - SOPB had sent follow-up email to the reported company.
- 20-Nov-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company.
- 23-Sep-2020 - SOPB had sent a followed-up email to the reported company requesting for clarifications and supporting documents.
- 04-May-2020 - Reported Company had not responded to SOPB.
- 16-Apr-2020 - Reported Company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
26. |
Rimbunan Hijau |
RH Plantation (Selangor Estate) (INDIRECT SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 37 ha of forest were prepared for clearance in RH Plantation’s concession (Selangor Estate) between 5th May 2019 and 18th August 2019. Source: Mighty Earth Report 19
18-Jun-2021 |
View Progress
- 15-Jun-2021 - RH personnel conducted ground verification and the deforestation reported in MERRR 19 was confirmed not for oil palm development. As per supporting document received, the clearing was attributed to legitimate timber harvesting.
- 25-May-2021 - SOPB had sent follow-up email to the reported company.
- 20-Nov-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company.
- 23-Sep-2020 - SOPB had sent a followed-up email to the reported company requesting for clarifications and supporting documents.
- 22-May-2020 - Reported Company had not responded to SOPB.
- 16-Apr-2020 - Reported Company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
27. |
Rimbunan Hijau |
PJP Pelita Lundu Plantation Sdn Bhd (NON-SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that 4 ha of forest were cleared in PJP Pelita Lundu Plantation Sdn Bhd’s concession between 11th February 2020 and 6th May 2020. Source: Mighty Earth Report 29
18-Jun-2021 |
View Progress
- 16-Jun-2021 - Based on information and supporting document shared, the deforestation reported by MERRR 29 was not located in the oil palm planting blocks of the PJP Pelita Lundu estate. According to the clarifications given by the reported company, the area (namely Lot N17) was still owned by local community who were responsible for the clearing.
- 25-May-2021 - SOPB had sent follow-up email to the reported company.
- 20-Nov-2020 - SOPB had sent reminder/follow-up email to the reported company.
- 23-Sep-2020 - SOPB had sent a followed-up email to the reported company requesting for clarifications and supporting documents.
- 21-Jul-2020 - Reported Company had not responded to SOPB.
- 07-Jul-2020 - Reported Company is an indirect supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in accordance with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
28. |
Rimbunan Hijau |
Rimbunan Hijau LPF 0026 (NON-SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that between the period June/Aug 2020 and April 2021, 614 hectares of forest were cleared within the Rimbunan Hijau LPF 0026 concession. Source: Mighty Earth Report 34
03-Aug-2021 |
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Case ID : C-GC7CB9XM7
- 03-Aug-2021 - Rimbunan Hijau responded stating that there is no oil palm plantation or land development project by Rimbunan Sawit Bhd and its subsidiaries on the area reported by Mighty Earth Rapid Response 34.
- 16-Jul-2021 - Reported Group is a direct supplier to SOPB. As such, SOPB had reached out to the reported company for a response in line with our Supplier Engagement Procedure.
29. |
Ta Ann |
Ta Ann LPF 0010 (NON-SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that between May 2021 and June 2021, a total of 10 hectares of forest were cleared in the Ta Ann LPF 0010 concession. Source: Mighty Earth Report 35
26-Aug-2021 |
View Progress
- 04-Sep-2021 - SOPB had received the ground verification report confirming the alleged deforestation in LPF 0010 is forest plantation management activity and not oil palm planting.
- 02-Sep-2021 - The reported company had sent over supporting documents and are currently doing ground verification work.
- 26-Aug-2021 - SOPB requested for supporting documents to substantiate Ta Ann’s earlier response in regards to the forest plantation activities.
- 24-Aug-2021 - Reported company is not FFB supplier. As such, SOPB had reached out to Ta Ann for a response. Ta Ann stated that the clearing activities reported in MERRR 35 was forest plantation activities under LPF 0010.
30. |
Shin Yang |
Shin Yang Forestry -LPF 0019 (NON-SUPPLIER) |
Satellite imagery shows that between December 2019/May 2020 and June 2021, a total of 423 hectares of forest were cleared in Shin Yang LPF 0019 concession. Source: Mighty Earth Report 35
01-Sep-2021 |
View Progress
- 30-Sep-2021 - SOPB had received a Letter of Declaration from Shin Yang Oil Palms Division (SYOP) confirming that it has differentiated management control from Shin Yang Forestry, supported by SYOP’s Organisation Chart. The Letter also reaffirms SYOP’s compliance towards MSPO and SOPB’s Oil Palms Sustainability Policy, SOPB Supplier Code of Conduct, Stop Work Order since 1 January 2021, and cooperation on monitoring of concession and NDPE compliance verification. Lastly, SYOP stated that it would not be liable for any allegations of land clearings carried out by Shin Yang Forestry.
- 15-Sep-2021 - SOPB had initiated an engagement with Shin Yang Forestry and Shin Yang Oil Palms in response to Mighty Earth Rapid Response Report #35. During the engagement, SOPB had been informed that Shin Yang Forestry and Shin Yang Oil Palm Division are two (2) separate operational Management units, even though they are under the same corporate branding.
- 01-Sep-2021 - Shin Yang Forestry had submitted a letter stating that the alleged deforestation area is within its tree planting operation. The tree planting operation is done in accordance to the requirements and guidelines for the License Planted Forest issued, and as well as the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.
- 19-Aug-2021 - Reported company is not a FFB supplier. As such, SOPB had reached out to Shin Yang Forestry Sdn Bhd for a response.