
Being vertically integrated enables SOPB to exercise full control over every aspect of production. You can be assured of the quality of our products.

Main Products

Refined, Bleached, Deodorised Palm Oil (RBDPO) is used in the manufacturing of food products. RBDPO is fractionated further to produce palm olein as cooking oil, or processed into other products.

Palm Olein is the liquid oil for frying and cooking applications, and is blended with other oils to improve their stability/shelf life and to minimize smoke formation during high-temperature frying applications.

Palm Stearin is utilized for high temperature industrial frying applications such as in the production of instant noodles. Palm Stearin is free of trans fatty acids, and is used as a replacement for hydrogenated oils such as soya bean and Canola. Palm Stearin may also be utilized in non-edible applications such as in the manufacturing of soaps and candles.

Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) is a by-product derived from the refining of crude palm oil. It is used for many industries such as soap industries, animal food industries and is also used as raw materials for bio-diesel and chemical industries.

The crushing of palm kernels produces Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) and Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE). It is very similar to coconut oil in that it has a high percentage of lauric acid which allows it to produce hard soaps with good lather. Palm Kernel Oil is therefore a cost-effective substitute for Crude Coconut Oil in the production of quality soaps. Palm Kernel Oil is part of a group of Lauric Oils, which is largely used by the oleochemical industry for the production of cleaning agents and detergents.

Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE) is a by-product from crushing of palm kernels by mechanical means. Palm Kernel Expeller is a good source of protein and fat (for energy). Palm Kernel Expeller can be included in the diets of beef cattle, dairy cows, sheep, poultry and other domesticated animals.

Biodiesel (B100) is the ‘drop in fuel’ produced from oil palm. It is used as a direct replacement for existing mineral/fossil diesels and is an environmentally friendly diesel fuel, which can power existing diesel engines. Biodiesel is a much cleaner fuel than fossil diesel, producing far lower level of pollutants. In the last decade there has been a determined political effort to identify and develop suitable fuels for society’s future needs.

Crude Glycerine is a by-product of the production of biodiesel via transesterification. It is a sweet-tasting, non-toxic, odourless, viscous liquid that is widely used in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics formulations.


Branded Consumer Products

Cooking Oil

MERRIS Premium Red Palm Oil

The Finest

50 years of heritage coupled with modern food science, we are proud to present to you the best oil cultivated from our land MERRIS Red Palm Oil. The finest and most premium oil from us to you. It is an enriched blend from palm which is enhanced with Tocotrienols [Super Vitamin E] and Carotenes [Pro-Vitamin A]

Our plant utilizes patented state-of-the-art technologies for the production of natural concentrates of Tocotrienols and Carotene which is then blended with our sustainable palm oil.

Tocotrienols exhibits stellar anti-oxidation properties which protects the body from the harmful effects of oxidative stress, it also has unique health properties that support heart and brain health. Carotenes are rich in pro-vitamin A which is essential for healthy skin, mucous membranes, immune system, and good eye health. MERRIS Red Palm Oil is suitable for stir-frying, baking, salad dressing and other cooking styles. A masterly crafted product just for you.

Labored with Love,

MERRIS Red Palm Oil (Classic)

The Classic

MERRIS Red Palm Oil is enhanced with Caro-A pro-Vitamin A, and T3E Super Vitamin E.

T3E Super Vitamin E is very powerful antioxidant which is essential in resisting oxidative damage and facilitate anti-oxidant recycling. It has other unique benefits that is beneficial to heart and brain health, provides metabolic and cardiovascular benefit, and improves bone density.

The distinct natural red color from the oil comes from Caro-A Carotene . It contains pro-vitamin A which is essential to eye health. Carotenes are also powerful antioxidants that protects the body from free radical.

MERRIS Red Palm Oil is suitable for stir frying, baking, as salad dressing, consumed by itself and many other cooking application as it is a nutritious choice.

MERRIS Pure Vegetable Oil

100% Natural and Versatile

Bursting with pure goodness, MERRIS Pure Vegetable Oil is our signature product and best seller. It is enriched with T3E® Super Vitamin E, trans-fat free and has no cholesterol.

With high smoke point and natural flavor, MERRIS Pure Vegetable Oil is a true staple for any kitchen that can be used for wide range of cooking purposes; from frying, baking, grilling, to roasting.

Produced in house with 100% high grade refined palm olein, we are dedicated to maintain an excellent control over this masterfully crafted product– a perfect choice for your family and all your cooking needs.

MERRIS Blended Oil

From Quality Packing Plant

MERRIS Blended Oil- cooking oil with peanut and sesame aroma blended from all natural ingredients, from quality packing plant. MERRIS Blended Oil is rich with natural Vitamin E, cholesterol free, trans fat free.

MERRIS Sunflower Oil

The Healthy Choice

MERRIS Sunflower Oil, healthy choice with high content of poly-unsaturated fat. MERRIS Sunflower Oil are extracted from sunflower seeds of premium origin and processed under stringent process control to maintain high contain of natural Vitamin E, suitable for household cookings and salad dressings.

SARACO Pure Vegetable Oil

Great Value Frying Oil

SARACO Pure Vegetable Oil is our heart-healthy cooking oil processed from pure refined palm olein. It is rich in natural Vitamin E with no cholesterol.

Our SARACO oil is stable at high temperature, making it an excellent choice for general and high-heat cooking. Ideal for both household and industrial frying application, it offers longer frying life and greater value for money while maintaining the crispiness and taste of food.

If you are looking for a quality and affordable frying oil, the SARACO Pure Vegetable Oil will be an ideal choice to go with.

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Nutraceutical Products

Tocotrienols are mostly found in palm fruit oils and they are a good natural source of Vitamin E. Each of the tocotrienols isomers [alpha, beta, gamma and delta-tocotrienols] has their own benefits associated with brain health, lowering cholesterol, and has anti-cancer properties.

Carotene is a rich source of natural pro-Vitamin A that can be converted into Vitamin A which is essential for eye health. The Carotenes are also powerful anti-oxidant, which protect the body from harmful free radicals. The pro-Vitamin A and antioxidant properties are important benefits in nutraceutical formulation. Carotene is also used as natural food and cosmestic colorant.

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