Cargill Ethical Recruitment Training
To further augment our commitment to uphold human rights protection in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the representatives from SOPB HR Foreign Worker Department and Sustainability Department participated in a ZOOM workshop organized by Cargill with Earthworm Foundation from 17th to 19th November 2020. The participants were introduced to the concept of ethical recruitment and its importance to the oil palm industry. Additionally, topics on Human Right Diligence (HRDD) and Legal Framework, Identification of Gaps and Risks Related to Recruitment using the HRDD Tool were also discussed.
Forest Conservation
High Carbon Stock (HCS)
High Conservation Value (HCV)
. Conservation Map
. HCV Assessment Network
. Biodiversity List
Peat Management
Forest Rehabilitation
Supply Chain
Grievance Handling
. Whistle-Blowing Policy & Procedure
. FPIC Procedure
. Grievance List
Activities Report
Growing with Community