

Grievance Handling

With the inception of the new Oil Palms Sustainability Policy (OPSP), SOPB is committed towards full transparency along the supply chain. To achieve this, maintaining openness and holding dialogues with the relevant stakeholders is a key.

Grievance Mechanism

SOPB believes that receiving feedback from stakeholders and third parties is a viable "check and balance" approach to enhance our transparency and implementation of Oil Palms Sustainability Policy. Stakeholders can lodge their grievances through our Company's Whistle-Blowing Policy & Procedure.

Whistle-Blowing Policy and Procedure is established as a platform for all stakeholders to report on any improper conduct within SOPB's domain of operations. It was reviewed in January 2019 to support the monitoring of performances and implementation of the Oil Palms Sustainability Policy (OPSP) along the supply chain.

We welcome queries from any person such as individuals, partners, government agencies, NGOs or the media on alleged violation of our OPSP. Any reports will be listed in our grievance list and we will respond to the grievances and engage the aggrieved stakeholders with reference to the Policy and procedures.

SOPB has and will continue to contribute and assist smallholders in their sustainable practices and welcome them to grow from strength to strength in the Group's supply chain. They are accorded equal engagement opportunity as per our Supplier Engagement Procedure, should they fail to comply with our OPSP.

In Sarawak, indigenous communities account for about 40 percent of the local population and we respect their rights to develop their land in manners that they are comfortable with. SOPB practices Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) approach before developing any land which belong to them by virtue of their legal, communal or customary rights.