

Engagement with Smallholder


26 -27 November 2021

As a follow up to previous engagements in 2018 with the smallholders of Long Bemang, a village in Apoh, Baram in the Telang Usan District, the SOP participated in an outreach programme by the Sarawak Department of Agriculture (DOA) in collaboration with Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) and Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC), for cash crop farmers including oil palms Independent Smallholders (ISH). The SOP's Head of Sustainability (HOS) Galau Melayong made a presentation during the AgriCop 2021 outreach programme that was held from 26 -27 November 2021 at the Long Bemang long house Community Hall. The event was well attended by 350 farmers including oil palms ISH.

HOS Galau Melayong shared the SOP's practical experience on application of technology in oil palms plantations in a presentation titled "Perkongsian Penggunaan Teknologi dalam Perladangan Kelapa Sawit" (Sharing on Technological Application in Oil palms Plantations), which is essentially the adoption of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in the industry. The main focus of the presentation was on GAP and the basic maintenance of oil palms trees encompassing weeding, manuring and integrated pest management (IPM) in the industry as well as from a smallholder's perspective.

HOS Galau Melayong presenting during AgriCop 2021 Community Outreach Programme

The latest use of a mechanized harvesting method using "cantas", a motorised harvesting tool was also shared with the ISH. During the Q&A session, HOS Galau highlighted the mandatory deadline of MSPO certification to the smallholders as palm oil mills in Malaysia would not be allowed to accept any FFB from ISH, if they were only registered with Sustainable Palm Oil Cluster (SPOC) and not MSPO certified. HOS Galau added that SOP is open to future collaborations with MPOB, MPOC and MPOCC for practical on-site training ISH.