Stakeholders Engagement Programme: Visits by International Buyers to Witness SOPB's Sustainability Practices
As part of SOPB's continuous stakeholder engagement programme, we hosted a visit by an international buyer and its end customer to Sabaju 1 Estate, Sabaju Palm Oil Mill and Downstream Complex on the 16th November 2019 with the following objectives:
- To witness SOPB's sustainability practices across its operations;
- To understand best practices in the management of peat soil estates;
- To understand SOPB Traceability System to Plantations and the implementation across its supply chain.
The visitors witnessed how Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) are harvested sustainably.
SOPB estate personnel demonstrated the weekly water level monitoring using the piezometer which is a key control feature to ensure proper water management of peat estates.
Chief Operating Officer Eric Kiu led the visit and elaborated on the FFB recording procedures, evacuation processes and post-harvest activities, part of the traceability system.
Visitors hosted by COO Eric Kiu, SOPB sustainability team and Sabaju Palm Oil Mill Management Team.
Visitors taking a tour of the Downstream Complex including SOP Edible Oils (refinery) and SOP Green Energy.