

Study Visit on "Comprehensive Oil Palm Research and Sustainability Awareness Programme" from La Verne University, USA and Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)

A delegation comprising 20 lecturers and students from La Verne University, USA and Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) visited our Bintulu Downstream Complex (consisting of Refinery, Kernel Crushing Plant, Biodiesel Plant, Phytonutrient Plant and Consumer Packaging Plant), Lambir Palm Oil Mill, Sabaju 4&5 Estate and Sebungan Estate from the 28th to 30th January 2019.

This visit was organized by La Verne University for their postgraduates students in collaboration with MPOB with the objectives to allow young leaders to understand sustainability practices in the oil palms industry such as how plantations are managed, Good Manufacturing Practices implementation at our palm oil mills and downstream complex and on-going biodiversity conservation projects carried out by SOPB. The delegates also had the opportunities to witness current research activities at the estates.


La Verne University students & lecturers and MPOB personnel hosted by SOPB Group Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Head of Sustainability and Senior Corporate Manager.



Delegates at one of SOPB's estates to witness sustainability practices.



Delegates at SOP Edible Oils (Bintulu) to understand sustainable production.



One of the students from La Verne University assisting with soil sampling.