

Report on Buyer Engagement - 2nd Integrity Audit by Shell International Petroleum Company (SIPC)

SOPB hosted the second Integrity Audit conducted by a third party auditor appointed by Shell International Petroleum Company (SIPC) from 26th to 28th August 2019 as part of SIPC's Supplier Verification Programme. During the engagement session, the auditor delivered a presentation which included introductory information on The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) to the outgrowers and smallholders. Under the scope of the audit, the auditor also visited and interviewed SOPB's external FFB suppliers, including the collection center's operators in the Miri region to verify supply chain documentation and to witness water management practices.


Engagement session involving auditor and representatives from SOPB and collection centers.



Presentation by auditor to about 50 smallholders and outgrowers.



Auditor visits a smallholder's farm to assess the compliance of Best Management Practices (BMP) of the smallholder.



Auditor at an outgrower's operational unit to verify drainability assessment documentation and to witness water management practices.