Study Visit by Non-Timber Forests Products Exchange Programme, Malaysia (NTFP.EP Malaysia)
Non-Timber Forests Products (NTFP) Exchange Programme Malaysia had organised a conference named 'Changing Livelihood Systems and Practices in South an Southeast Asia: Challenges, Lessons and Tools' at SOPB Taniku Estate on 23rd October 2018. A total of 16 participants were exposed to the various plantation operational activities such as Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) harvesting and general upkeeping of mature palms.
Forest Conservation
High Carbon Stock (HCS)
High Conservation Value (HCV)
. Conservation Map
. HCV Assessment Network
. Biodiversity List
Peat Management
Forest Rehabilitation
Supply Chain
Grievance Handling
. Whistle-Blowing Policy & Procedure
. FPIC Procedure
. Grievance List
Activities Report
Growing with Community