Miri: In response to Miri Blood Bank’s call for more blood donors, Sarawak Oil Palms Berhad (SOPB) held its first blood donation drive at its office yesterday.
The event was organised by SOPB’s Public Relations Unit in collaboration with the Miri Blood Bank.
32 of the estate management staff who came forward successly donated blood while eight registered as organ donors.
Speaking to The Borneo Post, Human Resource and Administration Executive Maria Cheong Li Lin said the blood donation drive is part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR)
“The event previously held in Lambir SOP Clubhouse by SOPB Staff Club, was well-received by our estate staff indicating to us that similar event would also get the same response here at our headquarters,” she remarked.
Cheong also added that the CSR programme plays an important role as its exposes our our staff to the spirit of giving back to the society.
“Noting that Miri Blood Bank frequently encounters insufficient blood supply, especially during festive season, we hope this small gesture from SOPB Blood Donation Day would be able to assist the blood bank to overcome the problem.
Speaking on SOPB’s plan to organise bigger sale campaigns in the future, Cheong revealed that the plan is already in the pipeline.
“Our PR Unit is planning to organise the blood donation at least twice a year, as part of SOPB’s annual CSR programme.
“Perhaps, based from the feedback, we would bring the event to bigger places like shopping malls so that the public could be part of it”.
“We foresee that it would be a great opportunity to strengthen our ties with the members of the public while getting them to know more about SOPB activities” she said.
Source: The Borneo Post, 02 November 2014