SOP Group is committed to No deforestation, No new development on Peat, High Conservation Value (HCV) areas in line with our SOPB Oil Palms Sustainability Policy.

In 2015, SOP Group signed a collaboration agreement with the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) to embark on our inaugural forest conservation project with the establishment of Tinbarap Conservation Area (TCA) in Beluru (210ha).

Conservation Map

The conservation project in Tinbarap is meaningful learning journeys and act as a pathfinder for SOPB to venture further into forest conservation.

As a testament to our commitment towards no deforestation of HCV area, we have conducted HCV assessments for all our post-2005 estates. We are also currently carrying out assessment using the HCS approach in line with our no deforestation policy.

Source: Google Map