SOP Group Sustainability Policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

SOP Group is committed to continually improve the sustainability initiatives of the Group. All operational premises’ SOPs of our business are embedded with clear sustainability criteria and are periodically reviewed and updated over time.


SOP Group believes all agricultural value chains should be environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial to local communities. We believe sustainable palm oil must be produced in a manner that excludes the conversion of areas of high conservation value (HCV), minimizes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, applies responsible agronomic practices, and protects the rights of workers and local communities.

Sustainability Policies

The SOPB Oil Palms Sustainability Policy (OPSP) has integrated the following existing policies of the Group, namely Environmental Sustainability PolicySocial and Community Policy and Occupational Safety and Health Policy and Whistle-Blowing Policy & Procedure which further entrenches our commitment towards sustainability.

All these policies were the results of our progression toward sustainability initiated since the establishment of our first oil palm plantation in Lambir by the Commonwealth Development Cooperation (CDC), UK and the Sarawak State Government.

In the years ahead, SOP Group will strive for continuous improvement and conduct periodic reviews to identity new gaps and amend our policies accordingly based on prevailing regulations and trends. We welcome any feedback from all our partners as SOP Group continues its journey to be a globally recognised sustainable player in the oil palm industry.