Kiu (sixth left) presents the contribution from SOP to Warzidea while others look on.

MIRI: Sarawak Oil Palms Berhad (SOP) yesterday handed over a corporate contribution to Miri City Council (MCC) to help fund the putting-up of a welcome signage at Luak Esplanade.

SOP chief operating officer Eric Kiu Kwong Seng handed over the contribution in the form of a RM25,000- cheque to the council to meet the cost of the project.

In a press statement, SOP said it was a pleasure to manifest its corporate contribution to the local community and its participation in the council’s public park beautification programme.

The contribution is proof of its commitment to support MCC in building an iconic feature of a welcome signage at Luak Esplanade, it added. The company hoped the small gesture would help in creating a sense of love for the city among Mirians.

MCC’s tourism development committee chairperson Councillor Warzidea Ahmad, her fellow councillors and staff were present at the presentation.

Source: The Borneo Post, 23 January 2020, Home, Page 8; Pressreader Online: