
Incorporation of Sarawak Oil Palms Sdn Bhd
On 30 August, SOP was formed as a joint venture between CDC and the Sarawak State Government

The first oil palm planting ceremony at Lambir took place, with Penghulu Francis Umpau, Sarawak’s then Minister for Lands & Natural Resources as the guest of honour- Iban dances performances.
Began commercial oil palm planting in the Lambir Estate, totaling 2,300 ha of land in Miri- the first in Sarawak.

Penghulu Francis Umpau planting the first oil palm in what would become part of Lambir estate.

Old Lambir POM- Commissioned our first commercial palm oil mill at Lambir estate with nine TPH capacity.
SOPSB, CDC and Rajang Wood Sdn. Bhd. entered into a joint venture, via Kerasa Plantations Sdn. Bhd. to develop 6,000 hectares of land into 4,000 hectares of oil palm and 2,000 hectares of rattan Plantations


SOP expanded its operation by developing land in Suai.
Conversion Sarawak Oil Palms Sdn Bhd “SOPSB” to SARAWAK OIL PALMS BERHAD (“SOPB”)
Listing of SOP on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Berhad
The CDC sold off its equity in SOP dropping from 66% the year before to 44%
First palm oil mill of 9 TPH upgraded to 33 TPH
CDC sold its remaining 25% shareholdings in SOP to Shin Yang Group through its subsidiary namely Shin Yang Plantations Sdn. Bhd.
Incorporation of a new company – SOP Plantations (Borneo) Sdn. Bhd.
Incorporation of a New Company – SOP Plantations (Sabaju) Sdn. Bhd.
SOP incorporated three new companies, namely SOP Plantations (Suai) Sdn. Bhd., SOP Plantations (Balingian) Sdn. Bhd. and SOP Plantations (Niah) Sdn. Bhd. for the purpose of joint venture arrangements with State Financial Secretary (SFS), Sarawak Foundation (Yayasan Sarawak) and Lembaga Setia Raja Masjid Mukah respectively to develop an area of 15,623 hectares more or less into oil palm Plantations.
On 1 April, Paul Wong Hee Kwong was appointed as the first Sarawakian to become the Chief Executive Officer of the company, taking over from the British management.
Incorporation of a new company – SOP Plantations (Beluru) Sdn. Bhd.

Incorporation of a new company – SOP Properties Sdn. Bhd.
Incorporation of a new Company – SOP Edible Oils Sdn. Bhd.
Commissioning of the 2nd palm oil mill at Galasah, Niah, the Galasah POM, with an initial mill capacity of 45 TPH.
Incorporation of a new company – SOP Green Energy Sdn. Bhd.
Acquired an 85% stake in Shin Yang Oil Palm (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd. (SYOP), which was renamed SOP Plantations (Borneo) Sdn. Bhd. This resulted in the Taniku and Sepakau Estates being added to our portfolio.
SOP entered into joint venture agreement with Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) to develop an area of 2,023 hectares more or less into oil palm plantations through the incorporation of SOP Plantations (Karabungan) Sdn. Bhd.
Established a joint venture with the State Financial Secretary to develop three parcels of land- two in Suai and one in Sawai-totalling 3,337 ha.
Incorporation of a New Company – SOP Plantations (Kemena) Sdn. Bhd.
Increase in the authorized share capital of Sarawak Oil Palms Berhad to RM500,000,000 divided into 500,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each
Incorporation of a new company – SOP Resources Sdn. Bhd.
SOP entered into Joint Venture agreement with Shin Yang Holding Sdn. Bhd. (“SYHSB”) to develop an area of 10,387 hectares more or less into oil palm Plantations through Danum Jaya Sdn. Bhd.
SOP entered Renounceable Rights Issue of 47,484,120 New Ordinary Shares of RM1.00 each at an issue price of RM1.40 per Right Shares together with 23,742,060 free detachable warrants.
Galasah POM capacity upgraded from 45 TPH to 90 TPH.
Incorporation of a new company – SOP Pelita Batu Lintang Plantations Sdn. Bhd. SOP Pelita Batu Lintang Plantations. Bhd, a joint-venture between SOP and Pelita Holding Sdn. Bhd. was formed to develop an area of around 5,000 hectares of Native Customary Rights land into oil palm Plantations.
Third palm oil mill commissioned at Balingian, the Balingian POM with the initial capacity of 45 TPH.
Incorporation of a new company – SOP Services Sdn. Bhd.
Incorporation of a new company – SOP Industries Sdn. Bhd.
SOP acquires 60% share in SOP Plantations (Beluru) Sdn. Bhd. to develop around 12,909 hectares of land into oil palm plantations.
A new palm oil mill commissioned at Lambir, the Lambir POM, with a mill capacity of 120 TPH. The Old Lambir POM then decommissioned.
Upgrading of Galasah POM capacity from 45TPH to 90TPH.
SOP announced the Second Right Issue of up to 52,558,326 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each at an issue price of RM2.40 per rights shares for every ten existing ordinary shares of RM1.00 each.
Incorporation of a new company – SOP System Sdn. Bhd.
Incorporation of a new company – SOP Pelita Development Sdn. Bhd.
SOP Industries Sdn. Bhd acquires 283,280 square meters of a land in Kidurong Industries Area, Bintulu for oil palm downstream activities.
SOP acquires 60% share in SOP Plantations (Sabaju) Sdn. Bhd. to develop 4,011 hectares into oil palm Plantations.

Commissioning of the fourth palm oil mill at Sepakau, Belaga, the Sepakau POM, with an initial capacity of 60 TPH.
Incorporation of a new company – Setia Wiramaju Sdn. Bhd.
Set up the SOP Academy in Lambir, offering courses on agriculture, safety and security, and serving as a centre for management training and visitor information.

Incorporation of a new company – SOP Pelita Sg Arang Plantations Sdn. Bhd., SOP Corporate Services Sdn. Bhd.

Commissioning of the fifth palm oil mill at Sabaju, the Sabaju POM, with an initial capacity of 60 TPH.
Incorporation of a new company – SOP Agro Sdn. Bhd.
Incorporation of a new company – Wawasan Asiamaju Sdn. Bhd.
500 TPD Kernel Crushing Plant commissioned at Kidurong Industrial Area, Bintulu. Upgraded to 800 TPD in 2014.

Commissioning of a Refinery and Fractionation Plant in Bintulu with a 1,500 metric tons TPD.
Established an international trading office in Singapore to facilitate the international trading of our palm oil products.
Set up SOP Transport Sdn. Bhd. to manage the Group’s transportation services and workshops.

Commissioning of SOP Green Energy Sdn Bhd’s Biodiesel.

Phytonutrients Plant ground breaking ceremony by YB Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, Minister of Plantations Industries & Commodities (MPIC).

Launching of SOP Properties- Taman Lambir Jaya.

Commissioning of the 6th palm oil mill at Tinbarap in Marudi, the Tinbarap POM with an initial capacity of 90 TPH.
Incorporation of a new company – SOP Foods Sdn. Bhd.
Opening Ceremony of SOP Green energy Sdn Bhd’s Biodiesel Plant by YB Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, Minister of Plantation Industry and Commodities on 17th January 2015.

Commissioning of Consumer Packaging Plant. Mirico-First Consumer Cooking Oil in the Market.
Incorporated of SOP Nutraceuticals Sdn. Bhd.

Acquired SOP Plantations (Murum) Sdn. Bhd, taking over 24,147.52 ha of planted oil palm land comprising 11 estates, as well as the Metanik POM with 90 TPH capacity.
Merris Cooking Oil in 2Kg and 5Kg hits the market.
Asia Oils Pte Ltd incorporated in Singapore.
Commissioning of Phytonutrients Plant.

Opening Ceremony of SOP Green Energy Sdn Bhd’s Phytonutrients Plant by YB Mdm Teresa Kok, Minister of Primary Industries on 29th June 2019.
Incorporation of a new company – Avantsar Sdn. Bhd.

The SOP Tower groundbreaking ceremony was officiated by Tan Sri Datuk Ling Chiong Ho on 10th January 2022.
Commissioning of second Refinery and Fractionation Plant with a 800 MT per day capacity.

Launch of Healthy Strides Malaysia: Partnership with Sarawak Oil Palms Berhad (SOP), Therapists Abroad Inc., and The Healthy Strides Foundation.

SOP's 55th Anniversary: Sarawak Oil Palms Berhad celebrates 55 years.
Launch of SOP Foundation: Establishing a foundation to drive impactful community and sustainability initiatives.

Avantsar Innovation: SOP Group's subsidiary introduces revolutionary AvantHealth products.

AvantHealth Campaign: ``AvantMind Matters`` launched to promote brain health and dementia prevention.