SOP Group is committed to No deforestation, No new development on Peat, High Conservation Value (HCV) areas in line with our SOPB Oil Palms Sustainability Policy.
In 2015, SOP Group signed a collaboration agreement with the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) to embark on our inaugural forest conservation project with the establishment of Tinbarap Conservation Area (TCA) in Beluru (210ha).
Since the inception of Tinbarap Conservation Area (“TCA”) in 2015, the restoring and rehabilitation of HCV areas have been the focus. The pilot project of restoring TCA started in 2018 and continuous efforts in seeds and seedlings collection for present and future rehabilitation programs have been progressing well with the setup of Tinbarap Conservation Nursery.
In Year 2023, Sungai Pudu which is located in the northern part of Tinbarap Estate, has been selected as one of SOP’s pilot programme for riparian. A stretch of Sungai Pudu, measuring about 0.6KM, has its riparian restored with planting of local species which were collected within TCA.