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Weekend blood donation drive collects 66 pints

Friday, November 29 2019

SOP Blood Donation Drive successfully collected 66 pints in its effort to assist Miri Blood Bank to overcome the insufficient stock during critical periods.

MIRI: Sarawak Oil Palms Bhd (SOPB)’s blood donation drive, held in collaboration with Merris at Boulevard Shopping Mall here last Saturday, collected 66 pints.

SOP assistant head of support and services Joseph Ling Tiong Ing said the donation drive sought to promote awareness of the frequent shortage of blood supply across Sarawak, especially during school holidays and festive seasons.

“Hopefully, this blood donation from SOP Group could assist the blood bank to overcome shortage problem. We would also like to thank the public for their support towards our blood donation drive. Additionally, I am very proud of SOP staff members, who stepped forward and donated their blood,” he said.

The blood drive was part of the group’s initiative to give back to the community through its corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme ‘We Grow Together with Local Communities’.

The bi-annual CSR programme was supported by Miri Hospital blood bank and Malaysian Red Crescent Miri.

Every successful donor received a goodies bag and a bottle of Merris Pure Vegetable Cooking Oil, while the first 30 donors each received a bottle of Merris Red Palm Oil Classic.

Both cooking oils are produced locally in SOP’s refinery with 100 per cent Sarawak-grown palm oil.

Source: The Borneo Post, 27th November 2019, Home, Page 12; Pressreader Online: https://www.pressreader.com/malaysia/the-borneo-post/20191127/281981789439696

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