Author: Kenny Wong Did you know on average, around 2,000 blood bags are needed daily to meet the needs of the patients nationwide? Which are 60,000 blood bags per month and 730,000 blood bags per year!!! Plus, it can be stored only for a limited period of time.

Author: Kenny Wong

Did you know on average, around 2,000 blood bags are needed daily to meet the needs of the patients nationwide? Which are 60,000 blood bags per month and 730,000 blood bags per year!!! Plus, it can be stored only for a limited period of time.

Recently, the Malaysia National Blood Centre released a statement that they are in desperate need of donors especially type O blood.

Since 1818, blood transfusions is essential in saving lives. It’s used for a host of things from severe trauma cases and surgeries to treating medical conditions such as anaemia, certain cancers, haemophilia and sickle cell disease.

Here are the list of facts that you can help to save life;

1. World Blood Donor Day
World Blood Donor Day is organized by World Health Organization (WHO) every year on June 14 and is one of the 8 global public health campaigns. It raises awareness and encourages people all over the world to donate blood voluntarily.

2. Malaysia Red Crescent and Hospital Blood Transfusion Unit
Every year, Malaysia Red Crescent and Hospital Blood Transfusion Unit will co-organize with Government, Private Sectors and NGOs to host a blood donation drive at various locations such as at Hospital Blood Transfusion Unit, Malaysia Red Crescent Centre, shopping mall, schools and etc.

3. How to keep up on the blood donation drive date and time
Just follow their social media accounts on any platform or you might happen to see or read it in newspapers, roadside banners and from your family member and friends.

4. Donate blood hurts
You only feel pain during the needle prick when donating blood and it heals within a day or two. No serious medical attention will be needed.

5. Smoker and Drinker cannot donate blood
Not to worry, you can donate blood even if you are a smoker. But there is a catch, you must be 17 years old and weight more than 50 kilograms. For drinkers, please avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours before donating blood.

6. Hemoglobin count
Only those with high haemoglobin count can donate their blood.

7. Duration of blood donation
It only takes around 45 minutes to an hour for the blood donation including the entire process from filling out the forms and having light refreshments.

8. A session with Medical Officer
It is very important to be truthful during the Q&A session as it helps to reduce the risk of donating unsafe blood such as HIV, hepatitis B & C and Syphilis.

9. Do you have enough blood to donate
Blood donation only took less than 10 per cent of your total blood volume (450ml). Don’t worry, your body can replace the lost fluid within 1 day and a half.

10. How often can I donate blood
Recommended once every 3 months. As long you do not feel unwell or consume any medicine, you are eligible to donate.

Are you currently staying in Miri? SOP Blood Donation Drive 2.0, 2022 will be held at Boulevard Shopping Mall Level 3 on 24 September 2022, 9:30am till 1:00pm. Please do participate and be a Hero to someone in need.

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